How to Eat Organically on a Budget

You want to eat organically but need to do so on a budget. Here is some know-how to do just that.

Ways to Save Money

These ways can help you save money while you eat organically.

Grow your own

You don't need a huge garden. As long as you have pots and a place where the plants can get sunlight, you can grow your favorite herbs and vegetables. You can put the jars in your windowsill, on your porch, or line your driveway. You could use your empty egg boxes for seedlings and old bean cans for plants. So next time you're feeling low energy, or need a brain boost to focus on your blackjack strategy, why not try a bowl of home grown veggies?

Eat less meat

Meat is expensive, but it is possible to get this as organic. You will want to look for meat that is certified by Soil Association. It is suggested that you make vegetables a more significant part of your meal because of the price of meat. Something to keep in mind when you go to buy meat is that the shoulder and belly cuts of meat are cheaper.

Reduce waste

It is said that any household throws away between 25 to 30% of the food they buy. Several reasons behind this are the mismanagement of what you have, overbuying, and poor storage. To help reduce throwing out food, make sure that you use your oldest food first to avoid spoil.

Buy in bulk

Sometimes buying in bulk is the cheaper option to go. You will want to stick to things like pasta, dried food, and veggies with a long life. Buying things like this in bulk will help you manage your money and help you reduce your waste.

Buy seasonal

Any produce that you don't grow at home, you will want to buy in person. When you do, buy vegetables and fruits when they're in season because they won't have been shipped as far, and you'll find a more extensive selection to choose from.

Cook from scratch

You'll want to use your raw ingredients for cooking your meals because convenience foods are more expensive. You can make extra portions to eat the next day or to put them on the freezer for future use.

Shop wisely

You may want to avoid supermarkets when buying organic foods. Supermarkets tend to be guilty of overpricing the products you are looking for. Check the supermarket's price on their website. Then came their price with online organic shops, farmer's markets, and greengrocers.


When wanting to eat organically, remember these tips and enjoy yourself.

2 Aug 2021